20 March 2016

Carina Nebula


This is a photo of the Carina Nebula, a big cosmic area of shiny dust and gas. It is seven thousand
light years away from the Earth, but in the space it isn’t too far, is just our neighbour.
Actually those few centimeters are three hundred bilion kilometers. The Sun is more or less like one of the smallest stars of the picture, to have a notion. If one of those stars were the sun, we could not even see the Earth.
The picture is a composition of a lot of photos, all of them taken by the Hubble telescope, so we can say that the photographers are the NASA and the ESA.

In the photo, you can see lots of stars and dust. Actually, there are hundreds and probably thousands of stars, but we can’t see them because of the quality of the photo.
I think this photo has no foreground or background, but maybe what attracts most is the explosion (left-center).

On the left side there is a beautiful progression from red to blue. On the left of the central part we can observe the giant and ancient explosion (Eta Carina explosion), the brightest part of the picture. Rays of light are expelled from this point. The right part seems empty if we compare it with the left one, it is a calmer zone.

The picture is colorful, striking, and for me it’s calm as well. It is striking because it doesn't seem real, because of the colours and the composition, and because of the size of the nebula. I think we can't imagine how large is it.

There’s one interesting thing about the photo. This picture should be more famous, because the central explosion is probably the most important fact that has ever happened in our cosmic neighborhood. 

Does the beauty exist in all the sizes? As I know, yes. From the smallest to the biggest things... The beauty, just like the imagination, has no limits.

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