12 March 2018

The Amount and Source of Millionaires’ Wealth (Moderately) Predict Their Happiness


Resultado de imagen de rich people'Money doesn't make happines'. We all have heard this sentence, but what's the real connection between money and happiness? This news explains the result of a study that measured the happiness of two groups of millionares (8.000 persons in total, every one with a fortune of US$+8M) to compare this happiness to other people's happiness. The study found that actually rich people tends to be happier. Some people thought that money has needed to be happy just because it made people feel safe, but this study has found that happiness increases (not directly) with the wealth of the person, so if somebody gets richer it's possible that he/she's going to feel happier. Another thing that the group of investigators found is that rich people are happier when they have get prosperity by themselves, because the ones who had inherited their money were less happy.
My feelings about this news are not good. Actually, I'm feeling sad and upset, because if having more possibilities and power is not enough, now turns out that rich people are happier, too. The world seems a bit worse to me, now. But on the other hand, this study makes more important the fight for equality in the world.

Resultado de imagen de unequality

US$: dollar of the US
Rather (all the meaning)

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