I chose Krypteia.
20 November 2016
Related to David Bowie
One day in class he listened to this song: Lazarus, by David Bowie.
Lyrics: Lazarus
Look up here, I’m in heaven
I’ve got scars that can’t be seen
I’ve got drama, can’t be stolen
Everybody knows me now
Look up here, man, I’m in danger
I’ve got nothing left to lose
I’m so high it makes my brain whirl
Dropped my cell phone down below
Ain’t that just like me
By the time I got to New York
I was living like a king
Then I used up all my money
I was looking for your ass
This way or no way
You know, I’ll be free
Just like that bluebird
Now ain’t that just like me
Oh I’ll be free
Just like that bluebird
Oh I’ll be free
Ain’t that just like me

Maybe death is a taboo in the western culture because our religions have never defined clearly what is death. It's wellknown that the humankind is afraid of the unknown. It's true that Christianity, the most influential religion here, tells a lot about it, but I think not as clear as other cultures, and what christianism tells about death is basically about the hell, so, what did people feel about death but fear? Almost no people could die without fear after reading and believing Dante Alighieri's Inferno. And what is the easiest reaction in front of a big fear? Ignore it, of course. If it doesn't exists it won't hurt you. And this is what I think about why death is taboo in the western culture.
The two final nominees
The election of the US new president has been a long process, and on the final elections there were 2 nominees: Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Now I'm going to summarize both's strong and weak points:
- He tells what he thinks directly, and that's what the people want.
- He gives advantages to the main part of the population.
- He focus on make the USA grat again (the American people like that).
Hillary Clinton:
- She's good with the words, she knows how to defend her position.
- She could be the first woman president.
- She is able to build political coalitions.
Donald Trump:
- He's racist as well as xenophobic.
- He doesn't know about political issues, he has no political experience.
- He's unpredictable. What can he do when he's angry?
Hillary Clinton:
- She desn't look trustworthy, it's like she just says what people want to hear.
- She hid things on her campaig, she covers some facts, for example the email's handling.
- She has lied more than once, for example about the attacks of Benghazi.
I think that Hillary Clinton is better than Donald Trumps, and here's why.
I don't care he tells what he thinks directly if what he tells is related with extremist, selfish or racial opinions without showing respect to the other people. Then, even if Hillary has weaknesses too, I think that Trump's ones are inexcusable. In my opinion somebody who can judge differently the people just because of the religion, the race or the sex can't be a good president. But we'll see how he figures out, maybe he'll do well.
Passenger Concert
On sunday 6th of November I met my brother and my sister in Barcelona and we went to Passenger's concert. The concert was in Razzmatazz concert hall at 21:00.
After spending the day arround the city we went to the hall, and after waiting for not less than an hour we finally got there. The hall isn't as big as Palau Sant Jordi, it's quite small, but we were 3000 people there, said Mike (Passenger).
The guest singer was Gregory Alan Isakov, andit wasn't a bad performance, but i didn't like him at all.
Then came Passenger (Michael David Rosenberg) and his band. The concert was incredible, not just because of the singer but because of the audience, there was a lot of energy there.
Singing or talking Mike let us know his opinion about a lot of thing without fear, for example about the government, Donald Trump, XFactor, Hollywood, some famous people, the technologies like mobile phones and sociel networks... I liked that, mainly because I think the same about those things. And the hall was small enough to interact with the crowd.
The concert was amazing and great. The band played song from the last album and from the others. covers too, and in some songs Passenger played and singed alone. In conclusion, the concert was perfect.
Here is one cover that I liked: The Sound of Silence (Simon and Garfunkel)
The worst thing of the experience was the pitiful returning to Figueres by train at 5:30, with the expectative of having 6 amazing hours in class before reaching home.
SpaceX project: Mars

Elon Musk says the objective of create a colony on Mars is because if we don't expand to other planets we'll extinguish (this is an interesting argument and a great matter to study, different mathematics and statisticians got the same conclusions, one says we have just +/- 1000 years).
“The future of humanity is fundamentally going to bifurcate along one of two directions:
Either we’re going to become a multiplanet species and a spacefaring civilization,
or we’re going be stuck on one planet until some eventual extinction event,”
Elon Musk
Until the date SpaceX has been succesful enough to create new and daring projects, as well as continue with his main target: take humans to Mars.
On 28th September Elon Musk said that the first manned mission to Mars will probably be on 2024. They'll need more money to devolp the necessary rocket, which will cost 10 billion dollars and would take 100 passengers too Mars. Well, 100 passengers each spacecraft, they plan to send some at the same time.
If all goes right, in 40-100 years there would be a milion people living on Mars. That sounds crazy, completely science fiction, but well, we'll see.
If all goes right, in 40-100 years there would be a milion people living on Mars. That sounds crazy, completely science fiction, but well, we'll see.
19 November 2016
Snowden - film review
The film Snowden is a kind of biographic film of Edward Snowden. It starts on 2013, when Snowden made contact with reporters while he was hid to explain to the world his experience. He starts to explain his career, how he reached his different posts and how he decided to publish NSA's secret and illegal information, mainly the control that the NSA had over the US (for example access to the mobile phone's or computer's cameras and microphones). Then, the movie shows how he escaped and took exile in Russia.
The film is based on the book "The Snowden files. The inside story of the world's most wanted man", writed by Snowden's lawyer in Russia.
I have to say that for me Snowden is a great film. First of all because the main character: I admire what he did and what he fights for. Then, I like the films that make me think, and in this one you have to, because all the film goes by in security centrals and when two characters talk it's hard to know what they're telling with a clear meaning and what they are telling in figurative meaning. I liked it too because on it there are elements that attract me, for example the world of computers, the laws and how to evoid them, and the real and covered facts.
What I don't like at all is that the film just introduces the story of Snowden, without taking risks or expressing directly what Snowden wants.
There's people who says that the film doesn't show nothing new of the story and that it's just like Laura Poitras' work but shown as a film. I haven't seen Poitras' documents, so I can't say nothing about that.
I raccomand the film to everybody who doesn't knows about Snowden, specially to the people that likes the computing world. It's a good film, it worths the two hours that it lasts.
Pyramids are scanned
For the first time ever, scanning technology’s been used on pyramids and the results are quite surprising. The preliminary results of the Scan Pyramids project indicate an anomaly in the 4,500-year-old Great Pyramid of Khufu that could uncover the secrets of other ancient Egyptian structures.
The project’s a collaboration between the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities, Cairo University and the AHIP Institute, and aims to map millennia-old pyramids in Giza as well as discover hidden chambers and secret passageways.
Experts say the discovery paves the way for more groundbreaking research in ancient Egyptian studies.
Through infrared thermography and non-invasive cosmic rays, the two-week research found three hot stains on the eastern side of the Khufu pyramid. The heat radiating from the stone indicates an anomaly, although the reason behind the thermal differences remains unknown.
“If you have the same material in a structure, you’re expecting to have the same orientation, more or less, you’re expecting to have the same thermal signature, so the fact that you have an important difference of temperature between just one block and the other right next to it – it has to mean something because it's not normal.”
These irregularities continue to shroud these iconic monuments in mystery, but with the project continuing, it’s hope that more insights into pyramids, and indeed history, will be made.
On the first days of November there was a collaboration between different organizations, with the objective of scan a pyramid with the new technologies. They detected an anomaly in some stones on the Great Pyramid of Khufu. In the east side of the pyramid they found stones that were warmer that the sorrounding ones. Those stones seemed just like the others, but by unknown reasons they were just warmer. This new discovery adds mystery to the already mysterious monuments.
An expert said that this new way to study ancient structures (scans) has a lot of advantages, now they can discover new rooms just scanning.
In my opinion...
It's surprising that after lots of years studying the pyramids of Ghiza we still discovering new things that make us work hard to understand them. I am waiting for the solution of this new question, but it's about the pyramids, so I have to accept that maybe we won't know the answer.
The people who has discovered the different temperature of the stones must be so surprised.
I think that the position of the warmer stones is just a coincidence, it seems that those stones aren't in a special place
Nwe words:
Aim: to point (a firearm, ball, intention, etc.) so that the thing discharged or thrown will hit a target.
Groundbreaking: the act or ceremony of breaking ground for a new construction project.
Stain: a mark caused by foreign matter on a material.
Philippines leaves the USA

The relationship between the Philippines and the USA deteriorated since Duterte’s election this year. The new relationship is a reversal in foreign policy for the country. Unlike the old ally, China has supported Duterte’s hard-line drug war.
The president of Philippine has said that he's going to separate his country from the USA and join to China and Russia. He claimed that the only way to go is to be them three united.
Since the election of Duterte as president on Philippine the relationship between the two countries has been in danger. China supports the wawr against drugs, not as USA.
In my opinion...
I don't know a lot of that fact. I've read a bit just to understand the news, and what I've understood is that this change is bad for Philippine, althogh there are some good changes for them, for example the changes on the drug war. The main objective of Rodrigo Duerte is cutting down the delinquency and, in fact, now the crime has reduced by 49% in the contry (well, I am sure that the death penalty has been helpful to him). He has reduced the relationship with USA (his main allied) and now the administration is less controled by foreign countries (but the relationship between China and Philippine is stronger now...).
New words:
In my opinion...
I don't know a lot of that fact. I've read a bit just to understand the news, and what I've understood is that this change is bad for Philippine, althogh there are some good changes for them, for example the changes on the drug war. The main objective of Rodrigo Duerte is cutting down the delinquency and, in fact, now the crime has reduced by 49% in the contry (well, I am sure that the death penalty has been helpful to him). He has reduced the relationship with USA (his main allied) and now the administration is less controled by foreign countries (but the relationship between China and Philippine is stronger now...).
New words:
Hard-line: uncompromising, unyielding: not allowing compromise, not giving in.
Aligned:to bring into agreement with a particular group, cause, etc.
Reversal: an adverse change of fortune.
Aligned:to bring into agreement with a particular group, cause, etc.
Reversal: an adverse change of fortune.
18 November 2016
Scorpions on Nails. Yes, true scorpions.

Scorpions are highly venomous and if one stings you, it can lead to death, but the team insists that the ones that it is using are not venomous after they die and that the team uses tweezers when handling them.
One manicurist said that this trend is not for everyone. Some people react positively while others think that it is a horrible and tacky trend.
People have accused the team of animal cruelty, but the team explained that they buy the scorpions dead from people who find them in mountain ranges.
Even if so strange things have been seen on the nails of the people for decorate them, in Mexico there's a new trend that has beated all of them. It's about blu small scorpions on the nails. Of course, those scorpions aren't venemous when they're dead.
A stylist says that this trend is just for some people, not for everybody. People has informed against the company who promotes this trend because of the animal cruelty that takes place on the elaboration of his product, but the company has said that they work with scorpions already dead.
In my opinion...
"Ey, what about putting real scorpions on the nails?" Well, for a necromancer I could find it right, but who wants to have dead animals on his nails? And no one pays to you, you have to pay!
It's normal to see women with strange thing on her nails, but almost the 100% of those strange things are painted. For me this trend is just disgusting and I can't understand how someone thought up on this.
New words:
Mountain range: a chain of mountains forming a single system.
Rhinestones: an artificial gemstone cut with rock crystal in imitation of a diamond.
Tweezers: a small tool of two pieces of metal joined at one end, used for plucking out hairs, etc.
03 October 2016
Come you masters of war
You that build the big guns
You that build the death planes
You that build all the bombs
You that hide behind walls
You that hide behind desks
I just want you to know
I can see through your masks
You that never done nothin'
But build to destroy
You play with my world
Like it's your little toy
You put a gun in my hand
And you hide from my eyes
And you turn and run farther
When the fast bullets fly
Like Judas of old
You lie and deceive
A world war can be won
You want me to believe
But I see through your eyes
And I see through your brain
Like I see through the water
That runs down my drain
You fasten all the triggers
For the others to fire
Then you sit back and watch
When the death count gets higher
You hide in your mansion
While the young people's blood
Flows out of their bodies
And is buried in the mud
You've thrown the worst fear
That can ever be hurled
Fear to bring children
Into the world
For threatening my baby
Unborn and unnamed
You ain't worth the blood
That runs in your veins
How much do I know
To talk out of turn
You might say that I'm young
You might say I'm unlearned
But there's one thing I know
Though I'm younger than you
That even Jesus would never
Forgive what you do
Let me ask you one question
Is your money that good?
Will it buy you forgiveness
Do you think that it could?
I think you will find
When your death takes its toll
All the money you made
Will never buy back your soul
And I hope that you die
And your death'll come soon
I will follow your casket
By the pale afternoon
And I'll watch while you're lowered
Down to your deathbed
And I'll stand o'er your grave
'Til I'm sure that you're dead
Wow. Impressed? For me, the song has an explosive composition. This is a crescendo of intensity, in two scales:
-Firstly, every stanza begins "normally" but ends with two verses of very powerful words.
-Then, the stanzas are organized from less intense to more. Here we can see what he thinks about what he writes, from less importance for him to more importance. From the 6th stanza he adresses directly to the masters of war, letting out all of his hate. What to tell about the ending?
In conclusion, Masters of War is a powerful, intense and strong protest song.
20 June 2016
Bye, my friend
Hey, ESO,
Yes, it's the time. Will you let me go, at the end? It's been a long time since I met you, walking throug the corridors, just a kid. Don't you remember? One who was scared of don't fit in with the other scared kids...
Well, it has been a nice time with you, growing up, starting to know how runs the world and starting to know myself and the society.Just like in the photo, I was covered by clouds, and you've been the wind who cleared me up.
Because you, ESO, you have made me change a lot. Actually, I've changed not because of you, but with you, you have seen my growth. I met you a kid, a dreamer kid. Now I am a boy with objectives, hopes, dreams and a lot of strength, positivism and energy to show to the world. Now I'm not as innocent as when we met for the first time, ESO, I've been too much deceptioned and I've met too people. But don't worry, you didn't want to do it to me, I know it, but it's necessary to grow up. I'm not angry with you because of the bad moments you leaded me to, I understand that some things are needed to happen.
I know I will feel melancholy because of you, because our soungs and our privacity, especially thinking in the moments of solitude, the moments when I closed into myself, the afternoons reading in the garden, doing the homework or listening to music.
And I have to say "Thanks, ESO", because you have brought a very important thing to me... Love. I'm really thankful to you because of that. Forgive me if I left you aside a little bit because of the love, I hope you understand it. Now, my life could be very different without love.
Well, what's left to say? I will miss you, my friend, but I could not start our relationship from zero again (LAZYNESS). I'll see you next year, just from one year away.
I'm leaving you, ESO, thanks for your company, good luck and wish me good things!
05 June 2016
My world - Dixit
Dixit is a board game, specifically a card game. It was created in 2008; it's not an old game, but it has the old game's magic. The game rules are simple, but at the same time the game stands out because of it's complexity. Well, all depends of who you play it with.
The game contains 80 different cards, every one with a different drawing. The cards is the key of the good game: the drawings are incredibly elaborated, with symbolism, beauty, colors, landscapes, objects...

To play there are needed four or more players (I raccomend more than five). I'm going to explain the rules ith examples of 4 players.
At the beginning, each player receives 6 cards. Then, the one who feels more inspired starts playing as the narrator.
The narrator choses one of his cards, he puts it down in the table (the other players can't see it), and he tells a short story, or he makes a sound, or he just says a word. Then, the other players have to choose one of their cards that they identify with the story, the sound or whatever and put it down in the table.
Then, the narrator shuffles the four cards and he shows them like in the photo (without the numbers).
Then, all the players exept the narrator have to vote at the same time what card do they think that is the card of the narrator, and here comes the key of the game.
The narrator wins if just one or two players have voted his card. If them all have voted his card he loses, the clue (story, sound...) can't be so obvious! If this happens, the narrator gets -6 points and the others +2 points.
If no one votes the narrator's card, the narrator gets 0 points and the others get +2 points. The clue can't be too difficult!
In any other case, the narrator and the players who have voted his card win +3 points.
Except of the narrator, every player wins +1 point if someone votes his card.
(I usually play without points, they're no necessary, but they are useful to explain the objectives of tha game and to play with some kinds of people.)
Then, the left player of the narrator becomes the new narrator and they do all the steps again, until all the cards have been used.
I find this game very funny and at the same time to play it you need concentration and a little bit of inspiration, combined with a lot of originality. Dixit makes think in a way we aren't familiarized with, I think playing this game is a good exercice for owr brains.
This game has won a lot of awars in more than one country.
Of course, I love DIXIT!
News in Levels
3rd SpaceX rocket lands – level 3
Billionaire Elon Musk has done it again, successfully landing this SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket on a platform floating in the middle of the ocean. As the rocket's descent speeds up, things started to look a bit rocky, but then out of nowhere, this happened. The Falcon 9 held firm as jets brought it to rest on the aptly named “Of course I still love you” drone ship, making this the third successful landing for SpaceX in a row.
"Lift off for the Falcon 9."
The 70-metre-tall rocket was launched Friday afternoon to deliver Thaicom 8, a telecommunications satellite. After the satellite was in orbit, it took just 9 minutes for the rocket to be safe back on Earth.
SpaceX has a backlog of more than 10 billion dollars’ worth of launch orders from customers, including NASA. If it can keep landing and reusing rockets like this one, Elon Musk is going to be having a very big Christmas bonus.
Difficult words: float (to rest on water), descent (coming down), rocky (difficult or full of problems), aptly (suitably), in a row (in succession – happening one after another), launch (to go up, to start), backlog (work that you need to do).
Elon Musk has reached the third consecutive SpaceX rocket landing on a plataform in the ocean. In the new, they say that when the rocket was comming down, it seemed that the plan was going to have a bad ending, but at the end all runned well and the rocket landed exactly where it has to: in a drone ship called Of course I still love you (what a name to tell during the operation).
The rocket took three days to deliever the satellite Thaicom 8 into it's orbit, but it took just nine minutes to be safe on earth, over the ship that stills loving him.
If Elon Musk keeps saving rockets like this, he will won a lot of money, because a rocket r very, very, very expensive, it costs more than 10 billoin dollars.
My opinion:
If Elon Musk reaches the objective of "save rockets", that would be a good news for the world of whom who work in satellites, comunication, space-observation... Because the price of every rocket launch could be fewer. Nowadays, a lauching of a rocket like the rocket of this news costro 8 million dollars at least, if the satellite is small. With the improvement of Musk, more contries would be able to put satellites in orbit and the technology would improve in general in this area. I hope he reaches his objectives!
My world - Shunga Jung
Few months ago my brother raccomanded me a video from youtube. This video showed an asian boy, called Shunga Jung, playing the guitar, and he played it very well. I watched the video and I didn't search more of his videos.
Two months later I was surfing on YouTube when I saw a video of Shunga Jung, and this time the way he played made me get interested and I browsed more of his videos. He is special because of his technique: he plays at the same time the melody and the accompaniment, but he plays the melody exactly how it sound in the original song. This is a good example:
(Jason Mraz has invited him to play with him in more that one concert because of this video)
He's really good as well as young! Well, this video is a little bit old, now he is 20.
I have seen a lot of his covers, and one of my favourites is his cover of Beat it(Michael Jackson):
He does his own compositions as well as covers, he has five albums between covers, collaborations and compositions.
Today, loooking for information, I have found his official website, and there, this:
Two months later I was surfing on YouTube when I saw a video of Shunga Jung, and this time the way he played made me get interested and I browsed more of his videos. He is special because of his technique: he plays at the same time the melody and the accompaniment, but he plays the melody exactly how it sound in the original song. This is a good example:
He's really good as well as young! Well, this video is a little bit old, now he is 20.
I have seen a lot of his covers, and one of my favourites is his cover of Beat it(Michael Jackson):
He does his own compositions as well as covers, he has five albums between covers, collaborations and compositions.
Today, loooking for information, I have found his official website, and there, this:
Sungha Jung (Born South Korea on September 2, 1996)
Hi, I'm Sungha Jung from South Korea.
My dream is to become a professional acoustic fingerstyle guitarist.
I had been watching my dad play the guitar for awhile before I finally jumped on it myself three years ago.
Currently, I am taking drum lessons and teaching myself fingerstyle guitar.
I used to not have tabs for the music that I played in my videos.
I just listen and pick them up directly from the sound source in videos available on the internet.
However, recently, I have started playing with original tabs whenever they are available to me by courtesy of the authors.
My old guitar is custom made by Selma to fit my body size, and on it, Thomas Leeb wrote "Keep on grooving to my friend."
As of Jan. 1st, 2009 Lakewood acts as sponsor for my guitar officially.
I'm very grateful to those prominent guitarists who have had a great influence on my guitar playing.
I'll continue to study them and learn more about interpretation of music and various playing techniques.
My daily practice routine lasts for one to two hours when school is open, but I play up to three hours a day during the school breaks.
It usually takes me two to three days to practice and videotape a new piece but sometimes up to a week for more difficult ones.
Last, but certainly not least, I can't thank Ulli Bogershausen enough for being my musical inspiration.
I had been watching my dad play the guitar for awhile before I finally jumped on it myself three years ago.
Currently, I am taking drum lessons and teaching myself fingerstyle guitar.
I used to not have tabs for the music that I played in my videos.
I just listen and pick them up directly from the sound source in videos available on the internet.
However, recently, I have started playing with original tabs whenever they are available to me by courtesy of the authors.
My old guitar is custom made by Selma to fit my body size, and on it, Thomas Leeb wrote "Keep on grooving to my friend."
As of Jan. 1st, 2009 Lakewood acts as sponsor for my guitar officially.
I'm very grateful to those prominent guitarists who have had a great influence on my guitar playing.
I'll continue to study them and learn more about interpretation of music and various playing techniques.
My daily practice routine lasts for one to two hours when school is open, but I play up to three hours a day during the school breaks.
It usually takes me two to three days to practice and videotape a new piece but sometimes up to a week for more difficult ones.
Last, but certainly not least, I can't thank Ulli Bogershausen enough for being my musical inspiration.
It is hard to believe that he plays the songs just listening the music! At least, he needs to know very well the chords, the harmonies and the guitar techniques. Anyway, he is an amazing guitar player.
I have tried to play some of his songs, and I'm proud because now I can play this:
Feeling proud of playing a song that a little child plays is a rare feeling, I can guarantee it. And even more, because I can not play it as well as him, but I still feeling proud.
Now I am trying with another one, River flows in you, origally played by Yiruma with a piano and arranged by Shunga Jung.
Jonathan Nolan – writer
We had to chose a film to coment it, a love film. I didn't want to chose the tipical love story, so I thought in other kinds of lovhe, apart of the romantic love. What about a film with "family love"? You could say that Interstellar isn't a love film, but there's a strong connection between the members of the main family. Specially between the main character,Cooper, and his daughter, Murphy. If you have seen the film, you'll understand wha tlove I'm reffering to. The main characters talk about the love too, the love to the live, the survival instinct...
[Film... 1:28:25]
- Cooper: You're a scientist, Brand.
- Brand: So listen to me when I say that love isn't something that we invented. It's... observable, powerful. It has to mean something.
- Cooper: Love has meaning, yes. Social utility, social bonding, child rearing...
- Brand: We love people who have died. Where's the social utility in that?
- Cooper: None.
- Brand: Maybe it means something more - something we can't yet understand. Maybe it's some evidence, some artifact of a higher dimension that we can't consciously perceive. I'm drawn across the universe to someone I haven't seen in a decade, who I know is probably dead. Love is the one thing we're capable of perceiving that transcends dimensions of time and space. Maybe we should trust that, even if we can't understand it.
Plot: In the year 2054 Earth is devasted by disasters, sandstorms and droughts. The mankind realize that the time of living in the Earth has finished. The NASA (now a secret organization of the government) has found a wormhole in the solar system, allowing mankind to reach a new part of the universe, maybe with new planets.
Joe Cooper is a farmer and an ex-engineer and pilot, he is widower and he lives with his son (Tom) and his daughter (Murph). One day a weird fact guides Joe and Murph to somewhere, and this will change their future and the mankind's future.
I don't want to explain more about the plot, NO-SPOILERS.
This film is one of my favourites ones. I love the science films in general, those that could be "real". In the film they talk about warmholes, the relativity, hiper-dimensional places or conceptions, problems with the time and the relativity... This makes me crazy! The relationships in the film are moving, the sad moments and the happy moments are balanced, there is a lot of tension too, but not too much. It is easy to feel empathy with the main characters. I like it also because it is a long finl (169 minutes) and it changes a lot while the time runs. It begans in an original way, then it seems a typical (but a good) science-fiction film, and then at the end... *****. The film is also a criticism of how we take care of our home, the Earth. The film is intense, and after watching it it doesn't let you indifferent.
I love all Christopher Nolan's film, he and his brother Jonathan Nolan are genius.
I raccomand this film to anyone who has time and wants to watch a good film, even to who doesn't like the sciencefiction.
Interstellar has won a lot of awards too.
- Cooper: This world's a treasure, Don; but it's been telling us to leave for a while now.
- [comforting his daughter] Cooper: I love you, forever. You hear me? I love you forever. And I'm coming back. I'm coming back.
- Brand: Time is relative, okay? It can stretch and it can squeeze, but... it can't run backwards. Just can't. The only thing that can move across dimensions, like time, is gravity.
- Dr. Mann: You're feeling it, aren't you? The survival instinct. That's what drove me. It's what drives all of us. And it's what's gonna save us. Cause I'm gonna save all of us. For you, Cooper.
- Cooper: We used to look up at the sky and wonder at our place in the stars. Now we just look down, and worry about our place in the dirt.
- Dr. Brand: Do not go gentle into that good night; Old age should burn and rave at close of day. Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
- Cooper: We've always defined ourselves by the ability to overcome the impossible. And we count these moments. These moments when we dare to aim higher, to break barriers, to reach for the stars, to make the unknown known. We count these moments as our proudest achievements. But we lost all that. Or perhaps we've just forgotten that we are still pioneers. And we've barely begun. And that our greatest accomplishments cannot be behind us, because our destiny lies above us.
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