Dixit is a board game, specifically a card game. It was created in 2008; it's not an old game, but it has the old game's magic. The game rules are simple, but at the same time the game stands out because of it's complexity. Well, all depends of who you play it with.
The game contains 80 different cards, every one with a different drawing. The cards is the key of the good game: the drawings are incredibly elaborated, with symbolism, beauty, colors, landscapes, objects...

To play there are needed four or more players (I raccomend more than five). I'm going to explain the rules ith examples of 4 players.
At the beginning, each player receives 6 cards. Then, the one who feels more inspired starts playing as the narrator.
The narrator choses one of his cards, he puts it down in the table (the other players can't see it), and he tells a short story, or he makes a sound, or he just says a word. Then, the other players have to choose one of their cards that they identify with the story, the sound or whatever and put it down in the table.
Then, the narrator shuffles the four cards and he shows them like in the photo (without the numbers).
Then, all the players exept the narrator have to vote at the same time what card do they think that is the card of the narrator, and here comes the key of the game.
The narrator wins if just one or two players have voted his card. If them all have voted his card he loses, the clue (story, sound...) can't be so obvious! If this happens, the narrator gets -6 points and the others +2 points.
If no one votes the narrator's card, the narrator gets 0 points and the others get +2 points. The clue can't be too difficult!
In any other case, the narrator and the players who have voted his card win +3 points.
Except of the narrator, every player wins +1 point if someone votes his card.
(I usually play without points, they're no necessary, but they are useful to explain the objectives of tha game and to play with some kinds of people.)
Then, the left player of the narrator becomes the new narrator and they do all the steps again, until all the cards have been used.
I find this game very funny and at the same time to play it you need concentration and a little bit of inspiration, combined with a lot of originality. Dixit makes think in a way we aren't familiarized with, I think playing this game is a good exercice for owr brains.
This game has won a lot of awars in more than one country.
Of course, I love DIXIT!
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