Hey, ESO,
Yes, it's the time. Will you let me go, at the end? It's been a long time since I met you, walking throug the corridors, just a kid. Don't you remember? One who was scared of don't fit in with the other scared kids...
Well, it has been a nice time with you, growing up, starting to know how runs the world and starting to know myself and the society.Just like in the photo, I was covered by clouds, and you've been the wind who cleared me up.
Because you, ESO, you have made me change a lot. Actually, I've changed not because of you, but with you, you have seen my growth. I met you a kid, a dreamer kid. Now I am a boy with objectives, hopes, dreams and a lot of strength, positivism and energy to show to the world. Now I'm not as innocent as when we met for the first time, ESO, I've been too much deceptioned and I've met too people. But don't worry, you didn't want to do it to me, I know it, but it's necessary to grow up. I'm not angry with you because of the bad moments you leaded me to, I understand that some things are needed to happen.
I know I will feel melancholy because of you, because our soungs and our privacity, especially thinking in the moments of solitude, the moments when I closed into myself, the afternoons reading in the garden, doing the homework or listening to music.
And I have to say "Thanks, ESO", because you have brought a very important thing to me... Love. I'm really thankful to you because of that. Forgive me if I left you aside a little bit because of the love, I hope you understand it. Now, my life could be very different without love.
Well, what's left to say? I will miss you, my friend, but I could not start our relationship from zero again (LAZYNESS). I'll see you next year, just from one year away.
I'm leaving you, ESO, thanks for your company, good luck and wish me good things!
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