19 March 2017

A new moon race?

NASA and SpaceX have both recently announced they will send humans to the moon. They aren't going to touch the moon but to orbit the moon and coming back to Earth. The objective of both corporations is to prove their technologies before sending manned missions to Mars.
Those missions are significant too because it will be the first time since Apollo 17 that a human leaves the Earth's lower-orbit, and because of the details of the orbit arround the moon both are going to send humans further than a human has ever gone.

The program of NASA is called Exploration Missions. The first one, EM-1(2018), is going to do all the process without carrying astronauts, and then EM-2 will do, one or more years later. They're going to use improved technologies that they used previously. This is the presentation of the mission:

The SpaceX mission is quite different. They are going to send humans on the first try, and they are going to be 2 tourists (they have paid some money already), not professional astronauts. SpaceX' plan is more daring and brave, just as often when it's about Elon Musk's plans. Apart of the experience that this mission will give to SpaceX, Elon sees the space tourism as a way of doing money, money that SpaceX needs. In this mission they're going to use a rocket that is going to be lauched for first time this year.

Elon said clearly that if NASA is interested on his mission, for example if they wanted to send their astronauts with the SpaceX program, he would give them preference. SpaceX guarantees that the tourists understand the danger of the mission.

Send humans to the moon by 2018 is a big challenge, but both corporations have shown that difficult things are possible.  So it seems that there is a kind of new moon race, but this time is the private corporation against the public organisation.

This video explains the situation:

I wish the best to both sides, but mainly to SpaceX, because if they achieve it they will show the world that  their innovation works. Well, I have to say that I can't be objective, 'cause I like all Elon's projects and I share his ideas. 

Resultado de imagen de dragon 2 spaceX
Dragon 2 capsule (SpaceX)
Resultado de imagen de orion capsule inside
Orion capsule (NASA)

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