
After that, Chuck critisizes autonomous cars, and then we get into the main part of his speech: the AI. He mentions the warnings of Bill Gates, Elon Musk and Stephen Hawking about the AI, and he says 'the creation always despises its creator' (it's the moral of Frankenstein, even if Chuck doesn't say it) . To explain the situation, he asks the public what they think the AI is going to do when it discovers that we are destroying the planet (ther's one thing we can take for granted, that we'll have a problem). He mentions the problem of sexual robots as well.
Finally he talks about biological engineering, and how it's goiong to change us as humans. It's scary, isn't it? Well, at that point Chuck comes up with a wise conclusion: technology isn't scary, what's scary is what we can do with technology. Chuck ends his talk with this question:
The true question is, how human are we?
Ther's a point I don't like of this talk, because at some point it seems that Chuck is critisizing things, for example autonomous cars, without explaining the positive consequences they can bring to the world. However, he's doing such a necessary task, he's awaring people of the consequences of AI, and we does so in an interesting way: firstly he talks about an example so people can understand that technology has unintended consequences, and then he makes people wonder about the unintended consequences that can have a powerful thing as AI.
Engineering (it's not a new word, it's just that I never know how to spell it)
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