Yes, just as it sounds. And no, that's not an abstract of a chapter of the Black Mirror series. The investigators developed an implant that has increased the memory of the patients a 15%, and it's still in a developing phase. The method consists on stimulating the cortex (a part of the brain) with short electrical impulses, and doing so the memory increases, at short and long term. On the experiments people with the implant and people without it had to remember list of words in a concret time, and the ones with the implant remembered an average of 15% more words.
Link to the news.
This news is impressive, I had no idea that a thing like this was even considerable. One thing that I find strange is that the oly thing that's needed is stimulating, nothing more, just with electrcal impulses in a concrete frequency is enough to improve our memory. Of course that this is not an easy thing to do, and that the technical details are complicated, but I tought it was so much more complex to do. I highly recommend to take a look of the original article, it explains down to the last detail the experiment.
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